NovMetaPharma is establishing an efficient and systematic R&D system from all stages of new drug development including the discovery of new drug candidates through approval and commercialization of new drugs with core domestic and international research teams.
New drug substance search
Target indication setting
Clinical and new drug approval
Technology export and commercialization
Strong manpower for each stage of new drug development
NovMetaPharma has the best research team in the field of new drug R&D.
World-class scholar in metabolic area
Johan Auwerx Director (Registered), HSC
Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Editorial member of international academic journals (Cell, Science, etc.)
MD, Ph.D. in Molecular Endocrinology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Metabolic area and brain disease research core expert
Hoe-Yune Jung Each Representative, Research Director
Adjunct Professor of System Biotechnology at Pohang University of Science & Technology
Lifetime member of the Korean Diabetes Association
MS in Life Science, Handong Global University
Ph.D. in Convergence Biotechnology, Pohang University of Science & Technology
Brain disease research expert
Kyong-Tai Kim Director (Registered)
Professor of Life Science at Pohang University of Science & Technology
Head of Department of Convergence Biotechnology, Pohang University of Science & Technology
MS in Biotechnology, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology
Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts
Obesity research expert
Frank Greenway SA
Professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center (PBRC)
Clinical Trials Unit Core at PBRC, Chief Medical Officer
(Former) metabolic disease specialist, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
University of California, Los Angeles MD
Penology technology expert
Bong Youl Chung Doctor
Professor of Chemistry and Medical Chemistry at Yonsei University
(Former) CEO of Humedix Co., Ltd.
(Former) Research Director, LF Life Science Technology Institute